Dental Cure, Dentist in Mira Road

Dental Scaling & Polishing

What are Scaling & Polishing

Scaling and polishing are essential components of preventive dentistry that focus on maintaining optimal oral health

Scaling: This procedure involves removing plaque tartar (hard plaque) from the tooth surface, especially around the gums and in areas that are difficult to reach during regular brushing

Polishing: Polishing follows scaling and is the process of smoothing the tooth surface to prevent staining and plaque buildup

Why does one need Scaling & Polishing

Even with diligent oral hygiene practices, plaque and tartar can accumulate over time. 

  • Gum Disease Relief: Helps prevent gum disease by removing plaque and tartar. 
  • Fresh Breath: Scaling and polishing removes bacteria contributing to bad breath, leaving your mouth fresh. 
  • Cavity Prevention: Completing a dressing reduces the risk of cavities and improves oral health. 
  • Improves aesthetics: Polishing improves oral health and contributes to a bright and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Different types of Scaling & Polishing

  • Supergingival Scaling: Focuses on removing plaque and tartar from the roof of the gums. 
  • Subgingival calibration: Checks tartar buildup in the pocket between teeth and gums, targeting areas beneath the gums.
  • Air filling: A mixture of water, air, and powder removes stains and scratches that do not directly affect the teeth.

What is the procedure for Scaling & Polishing

  • Examination: The dentist examines the teeth and may use X-rays to evaluate the formation of nerves and soft tissue. 
  • Scaling: The dentist uses special tools to remove plaque and tartar from the tooth surface. 
  • Polishing: Surface stains are removed using a high-powered electric brush and a thick toothpaste-like substance. 
  • Fluoride compounds: In some cases, fluoride compounds can be used to strengthen the teeth.

Post-Treatment Care of Scaling & Polishing

  • Keep your mouth clean: Brush and floss regularly to prevent plaque recurrence.
  • Avoid stains: Limit foods and drinks that can damage your teeth, such as coffee and red wine. 
  • Regular dental checkups: Schedule regular dental and oral health checkups to address any emerging problems immediately.

FAQs related to Dental Scaling & Polishing

Is scaling painful?

It is usually a painless procedure. Local anaesthesia can be used for those with sensitive gums. 

How often should I have my teeth smoothed and polished?

Frequency varies but is generally recommended every 6 to 12 months, depending on an individual’s oral health needs. 

Can scaling and polishing damage enamel?

When done by a professional, scaling and polishing do not damage the enamel; Instead, they contribute to its health by removing harmful deposits.

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